Every day we are in contact with more than 11000 reseller customers

We are open to new ideas and we wish to be an effective partner. Communication with maximum accuracy and in real time is one of the most important factors in the smooth operation of a high-performance timing system, based on operational excellence oriented towards satisfying customer needs. We are in daily contact with all logistics centres but also with more than 11000 reseller customers to whom we deliver quality products every day. This way we fulfill our mission to provide full support to all our customers.

Conex Distribution provides you with multimedia materials and product catalogues, as well as with digital platforms and sales tools, but the most important resource we offer is the support of the sales representative. No matter what corner of Romania you are in, a sales representative dedicated to you will be the contact person with us.

One of our major priorities is to continuously develop high-performance communication systems. It is important to have real-time access to useful information about our offer, stock availability, prices and commercial advantages, delivery terms, technical advice, promotions and special offers, news and much more.